I don't know what my deal is lately, but my new favorite nail color is teal / aqua blue. I L O V E Atlantis so much it's one of the few I keep a backup of ☺ Atlantis is an aqua jelly base filled with awesome sparkly holo glitter. This color in the sun is just blinding!
The base color is an LA Colors teal. It's pretty readily available at the Dollar Tree. What I dislike about these DT colors is that they list the name on a packaging but not on the bottle. So I don't know the proper name for this one. But it's 2 coats with one coat of Atlantis overtop.

Of course my camera doesn't properly show off this color with sunlight. Here's a shot I took under my Ikea lamp. This is more like it, see all those colors?

Here is the LA Colors by itself. I ♥ this! Be warned though, wear a basecoat or your nails will stain a teal color. Not pretty!

If you don't own this color yet, trust me, hunt it down and get a bottle.
Thanks for looking!