I've been in a nail wheel swatching mode lately, so I thought I'd post a bunch of 'em in the next week. The first wheel is my Massini / Studio M colors. As many of you know Massini is only available at Meijer stores and is the same as Color Club. There are a couple of colors unique to Massini, but most of the colors are the same as CC's and even carry the same name.
Oops, I just realized I labeled one wrong. The glitter on the left is actually Drama Queen, not Magic Attraction. Sorry! Make sure to click the picks to enlarge them:

Here are some closeups, I labeled Drama Queen correctly in this one ☺

I think Flair and Frosted Kiss are unique to Massini. I Googled them under Color Club and couldn't find any matches. Also, the colors from the Wild and Willing collection were labeled on the bottle as only "Fall Promo Shade".

Slamming Red and Purple Medallion are both unique to Massini and are just brilliant in the sunlight:

Here's a sunlight shot of Slamming Red and Purple Medallion. They are amazing in sunlight!!

All of these glitters are top coat hogs, so I added a coat of Gelous 1st and two of a regular top coat afterwards. Hope you all liked the wheel today ♥
Thanks for looking!