Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Franken: Parade in Times Square

Today's franken was created for me by my BF Shmoopy. Thanks to Donna, she is no longer un-named ☺

It's a blue jelly with silver glitter and large purple holographic diamond glitter. If you enlarge the pick you can see the detail a bit better.


WnW clear, Chelsea Oscar Blue, Martha Stewart silver glitter and Sheba diamond glitter. Here is a shot of the Sheba glitter.

Like the glitter I used in the other franken, I got this directly from the Sheba store. I think you can get a better idea of the holo-ish effect of the glitter from this shot.


  1. Have you ever seen the big parades they have in NYC for big celebrations? The confetti is everywhere. That's what this reminds me of, I'd name it "Parade in Times Square".

  2. Awesome name, Donna! I've officially named it Parade in Times Square. Love it.
