Friday, February 24, 2012

Color Morphing franken - fail

Remember my Revlon Royal post the other day? I mentioned that I decided to franken a top coat using all three of the color morphing pigments mixed together. Well here is the result. I was hoping for some color shifting fabulousness, but instead, it was just a sparkly mess. Not terrible, but it lost it's shifting ability, there was just too much going on.



Oh well, it was worth a try I guess ☺

Thanks for looking!


  1. It looks like a starry sky to me, pretty. But of course it was a pity it lost the shifting ability, at least you know what went wrong :)

  2. So pretty! It reminds me of Clarins 230 a little.

  3. Thank you all! It's still pretty, I was just hoping for more of a multi-chrome effect instead of multi-shimmer ☺

  4. I see what you were trying to acheive, but I really like what you got actually. Very nice.
