I recently had the ultimate haul....yes, are you ready for this? Sit, down, cuz, I scored Gosh at Big Lots.....and not just any Gosh, but THREE bottles of Gosh Holographic!!!! For $2 each. Oh yeah, I hit the polish lottery. Behold:

Now, I had to dig...like really dig through almost 20 tubs of dirty cosmetics to find them, but I looked and it was worth it. I'll be swatching Holographic later this week....and I'll be giving away one of these bottles soon.
I picked up one other Gosh color, it's called Purple Heart. PH is a duochrome that flashes purple/grey to green. This is one coat over black. I did have a hard time capturing the really purple color, but if you check out this bottle shot, that's what you see on the nail.

Thanks for looking!